Is It Safe to Delay your Period using Medicines?

It can be frustrating to plan a holiday or a special event around your period. What if you need to attend an important conference or travel around the same time your period is due? You may want to delay your period. But is it possible? And if yes then is it safe?

Delaying your Period

Pills to stop menstruation immediately are available. Norethisterone is a common medicine used for this purpose. If you need to delay your period, consult with a doctor. If your doctor deems it safe for you to use it, you are good to go.

Many women who are on the pill can skip their period. If you don’t have a gap after 21 days of the dose, you may skip your period. With the use of pills, your period may also become lighter. But not many women want to be on the pill.

It is best to use a one-time medicine, as and when needed, to delay your period.

About Norethisterone

Norethisterone is a form of synthetic progestogen. The levels of progestogen reduce during menstruation cycles, which eventually causes the period to occur. The use of Norethisterone doesn’t allow progestogen levels to drop and hence, delays your period.

You will need to take Norethisterone three days before your period’s due date. The dosage is 1 tablet (5 mg); 3 times a day. You will need to continue this for at least 20 days. You won’t have the period for these many days. Once you stop taking the medicine, you will have your period within 2-4 days. Your doctor will guide you about the right way to use it.

Norethisterone is not recommended for frequent use. You can buy Norethisterone via online portals or any chemist.

Is it Safe?

The use of Norethisterone, every once in a while, is considered safe. If you are using pills to stop menstruation immediately for the first time; it is recommended that you consult with a doctor. Refrain from using it even if your mother, sister, or friend have used it. Only take Norethisterone if your doctor says so.

The use of Norethisterone can cause some side effects; such as acne, low mood, fluid retention, and breast tenderness. You may or may not experience these side effects. The side effects can be mild to severe.

Also, know that it may or may not work. The manner in which Norethisterone will work in your body may depend on many factors. You can still get your period even if you took pills to stop menstruation immediately. Each women’s body is different and how the medication will work will also differ.

Refrain from using Norethisterone if you think you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding. If you have cancer or have had cancer, you should not take Norethisterone. The same applies to those with heart conditions or those who have had a stroke.

Why Use Ruby on Rails for Your Startup?

Modern technologies provide first-time business owners with a wide variety of great tools necessary to promote their newly established brands, improve sales, attract more prospective customers, and much more. No wonder, so many startuppers rely on web developers to design effective business applications, which help them boost their new ventures in the right direction. And when it comes to selecting a truly startup-friendly app development tool, lots of entrepreneurs opt for Ruby on Rails. This framework is very popular among developers that want to put together a robust mobile app on a budget and without writing much code. Ruby on Rails is used for small and big projects and can be employed for quick prototyping.

There are many more benefits that you as a startupper can reap from using Ruby on Rails.

What is Ruby on Rails?
According to the philosophy professed by the developers of Ruby on Rails, this framework helps make coding and the overall development process easier, cheaper, and more enjoyable. Back in 2003, the work on the legendary Basecamp project necessitated the emergence of a flexible, coder-friendly, intuitive, and cost-efficient framework for designing web applications. And since then, lots of programmers have been using this efficient tool to create great projects.

As you might have guessed, Ruby on Rail is written in the famous Ruby programming language used for developing highly visible applications and safe websites.

To learn more about the benefits of Ruby development, refer to the article at
RoR took the best from its parent language and went even further. It allowed simplifying the development process by introducing the readable English-like syntax. That helped make the framework in question almost self-documenting, which, in turn, spared developers the bother of writing out separate comments and help text.

Ruby on Rails is open source software, so not only is it free to use, you can also contribute your code to it and thus help your colleagues with their projects. Almost 6,000 users have already made their contribution to the development and improvement of Rails. And you can join Rails’ vibrant community, as well.

And now let’s take a closer look at Rails’ advantages.

#1 Simplicity
As most beginner Rails coders note, the Rails framework is quite easy to master even if you don’t have much experience with other programming languages. It offers a plethora of modules, generators, and gems, the libraries that help you add features to your app. Lots of these libraries are free to boot, which is something that novice programmers will surely appreciate. To discover the required gem, just check the RubyGems repository. Chances are other users have already added some useful libraries or other tools, which can help you with your problem.

#2 Faster Development
Rails is by far the most time-efficient programming solution that helps put together a quality app from scratch. As it has been mentioned earlier, its ready-to-use plugins enable coders to implement the essential functionalities faster than it would be otherwise done with other popular frameworks. No need to spend much time configuring tons of files for setup and writing miles of code. With Rails, your team will need to make fewer decisions, which will allow focusing on more important tasks and accelerating the development process.

It’s also important to mention Rail’s outstanding prototyping capacities. It helps startuppers build your future website mockup literally overnight. In combination with its celebrated modules and powerful infrastructure, RoR’s prototyping features enable you to create an effective Minimum Viable Product for your app and roll it out on the market within the shortest possible time.

#3 Cost-Effectiveness
All of the aforementioned benefits of RoR might have made you realize how cost-effective developing your app with Rails can be.

It’s not a secret that the majority of small startup businesses have to design their first apps on a shoestring budget. That’s where Rails comes in and saves the day. Its ability to accommodate changes throughout the app development timeline helps you save time and your hard-earned dollars. And since the entire development process and code updates are performed faster, startup owners do not need to splurge on developing and updating their apps.

#4 Versatility
Undoubtedly, you’ve known RoR as an excellent web development tool. But this framework has come a long way since its inception, and now it can be successfully used for building e-commerce websites, cross-platform applications, content management systems, social networking websites, advertising, e-learning, and much more. This full-stack framework is equally effective in designing back- and front-end solutions.

With its countless opportunities and tons of useful and pocket-friendly features, Ruby on Rail can be the best bet for you. If you’re an aspiring startupper eager to kickstart your business with the help of an inexpensive yet quality app, be sure to set your sights on the Ruby on Rails development.

Delicious Healthy School Snack Ideas For Your Kids

Sometimes when kids come home tired they refuse to have healthy snacks and want to munch on the packet products. They pick unhealthy habits and get accustomed to have junk food all the time. This can affect their health and cause major problems in their growing years. Kids need to have all the nutrition in adequate amount as they are growing and they need proteins, carbohydrates, folic acid, iron and other vitamins and minerals in adequate amount. Otherwise their growth is obstructed. Parents no more have to worry about their fussy kids who cringe at the thought of healthy snacks. It can be made interesting through effective recipes. These snack ideas are easy to make and do not require too much of efforts.

The meal of tortilla wraps with lot of cheese and meat balls, salad and favorite sauce can be a perfect healthy school snack ideas for your kids. It will stay fresh when packed in aluminum wrap and can be toasted to make it crispy for kids. Avoid microwaving it as it will leave the wrap dry.

The snack of blueberry shake that is made by combining equal quantity of almond milk, blueberry and honey is perfect. It can be mixed together, blended for three to four minutes. It is perfect option as healthy school snack ideas for your kids. It can be packed in an airtight mug with decorative straws.

The snack of semolina roasted in butter for fifteen minutes with almond milk, honey and fruit pulp is perfect option for the kids to fill their stomach. It is a favorite sweet for the kids that provides perfect source of vitamins and nutrition as healthy school snack ideas for kids.

The snacks made out of tortilla wraps with hummus, favorite vegetables, olive oil and dipping are preferred by the kids. It is healthy school snack ideas for your kids that can be consumed for fun snacks.

The idea of fluffy rice cakes made by adding rice flour to hot water with honey, coconut and almond to make into dough is unique. This should be made into small and thin balls that should be stuffed with coconut and fruits sprinkled with nuts. This should be steamed with jiggery syrup. It is a perfect snack that can be made easily in fifteen minutes. It should be stored in refrigerator and then given as healthy school snack ideas for your kids.