Is It Safe to Delay your Period using Medicines?

It can be frustrating to plan a holiday or a special event around your period. What if you need to attend an important conference or travel around the same time your period is due? You may want to delay your period. But is it possible? And if yes then is it safe?

Delaying your Period

Pills to stop menstruation immediately are available. Norethisterone is a common medicine used for this purpose. If you need to delay your period, consult with a doctor. If your doctor deems it safe for you to use it, you are good to go.

Many women who are on the pill can skip their period. If you don’t have a gap after 21 days of the dose, you may skip your period. With the use of pills, your period may also become lighter. But not many women want to be on the pill.

It is best to use a one-time medicine, as and when needed, to delay your period.

About Norethisterone

Norethisterone is a form of synthetic progestogen. The levels of progestogen reduce during menstruation cycles, which eventually causes the period to occur. The use of Norethisterone doesn’t allow progestogen levels to drop and hence, delays your period.

You will need to take Norethisterone three days before your period’s due date. The dosage is 1 tablet (5 mg); 3 times a day. You will need to continue this for at least 20 days. You won’t have the period for these many days. Once you stop taking the medicine, you will have your period within 2-4 days. Your doctor will guide you about the right way to use it.

Norethisterone is not recommended for frequent use. You can buy Norethisterone via online portals or any chemist.

Is it Safe?

The use of Norethisterone, every once in a while, is considered safe. If you are using pills to stop menstruation immediately for the first time; it is recommended that you consult with a doctor. Refrain from using it even if your mother, sister, or friend have used it. Only take Norethisterone if your doctor says so.

The use of Norethisterone can cause some side effects; such as acne, low mood, fluid retention, and breast tenderness. You may or may not experience these side effects. The side effects can be mild to severe.

Also, know that it may or may not work. The manner in which Norethisterone will work in your body may depend on many factors. You can still get your period even if you took pills to stop menstruation immediately. Each women’s body is different and how the medication will work will also differ.

Refrain from using Norethisterone if you think you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding. If you have cancer or have had cancer, you should not take Norethisterone. The same applies to those with heart conditions or those who have had a stroke.

Late Holiday Shopping, setting up a FREE Storefront on facebook.

Christmas every year is always the same. From the 21st (providing the world does not end) to the 25th, shopping is expected to be nothing short of frantic. Pure bedlam as late shoppers, relieved that the Mayan prophecy was a big hoax, catch up on last minute shopping and try to buy up everything in sight. This period will be quite profitable for store owners but the most profitable will prove to be the period ‘after’ the holidays.

Traditionally this is the time of year reserved for exchanges. Holiday gifts in the wrong color, size, function or just wrong completely. Savvy store owners should seize the time and the on-flow of new clients to aggressively offer other good or services in exchange and offer cheaper (less expensive) deals in an attempt of moving stagnated inventory . Fully capitalizing on the influx of post holiday traffic. Staff can be trained now in what to expect and how to cope. Not everyone has the patience and that resolve should be instilled BEFORE the bum rush begins. After all, jobs are hard to find and if this one can be extended, that’s a good thing.

Mail-order shopping has evolved into Internet buying and several companies are flourishing. Several popular retail outlets have made the switch and added a department to facilitate this kind of shopper. With a constant change of lifestyle, shipping companies like PS, Fed Xx and DHL have expanded to accommodate deliveries. eBay and Amazon have grown as have several smaller Internet concerns that do business in the same manner. With the addition of Facebook, it is only fitting that I add a link to set up your FREE Storefront using their platform (yes I said free and very easy. In 15 minutes it can be set up) and another link (not so free) to drive customers your way. A small price to pay to get started and join the rest of the world.

Its never too late! As promised, those links are attached: Christmas shopping can be very tedious as is shopping on the whole. There is no fool proof way but I have found that making a skeleton list works. Starting from the most important person first and going down the line. It is always a good idea to leave certain names blank. Knowledge of sales and specials in the marketplace is important and times like POST Black Friday Sales should not be ignored. Toy shopping should be high on the list and take a couple of days (to avoid long checkout lines and product availability). You can’t go wrong if you stick to my basics: Love ones- female- jewelry (chains, rings, pendants, earrings) Love ones- male- appliances (shavers, tools, accessories) All adults- perfume, cologne. Kids- toys (educational / other), books, how to videos. General- needs Gift buying should be a very thoughtful process which requires creativity on your part. Once this criteria is met, appreciation for your efforts will be met and that alone brings a smile to your face.

Aerosol Based Disinfection Methods: Everything you Need to Know

Most of the liquid disinfectants that are approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are chlorine based. Chlorine is highly effective at breaking apart the COVID virions by attacking the molecular bonds within them. It should come as no surprise that many institutional disinfection protocols mandate the use of these disinfectants. Typically, they are sprayed on hard surfaces multiple times a day.

In a place where large numbers of people come to work, like a warehouse, they may decide to adopt a disinfection protocol when one of the workers presents with COVID like symptoms. It may not be feasible to have staff attempt to wipe every surface in the workspace. Whatever the case may be, the conventional protocol to disinfect multiple times per day by wiping down is not practical every workspace.

Fogging and Misting

There are now machines that create a fog or mist of disinfectant. In the case of misting, the active chlorine-based ingredient is released into the air in tiny droplets that are often diluted with water. A fan is used to ensure the droplets get dispersed around the room. As the water evaporates, the airborne disinfectant remains suspended in the air. Fogging techniques are somewhat more sophisticated. They typically work by using a mixture of water and glycol that is heated rapidly to produce a vapor. The chlorine is added to the water glycol mixture and then gets dispersed around the room with the aid of fans. In addition to fogging and misting, there are also electrostatic methods, where electrically charged atoms are sent into the air and they then bind with the virions to alter their chemical composition. Ozone machines operate under the same principle – the airborne ozone is a charged molecule that binds to the virions.

Which method is best?

There is a good reason why the CDC approves so many chlorine-based disinfectants. The scientific and medical communities have known for decades that chlorine is highly effective at breaking up organic matter. This is why it is used to disinfect everything from swimming pools to surgeon’s operating tables. When dealing with a pathogen as insidious as COVID, how could you not go with the sure thing?

Economy may decide

Now that we have established the efficacy of chlorine, the question now is which delivery system is best – misting or fogging? This one is partly a question of economics. Fogging is a much more versatile and robust method than misting because of its incorporation of heat. A glycol based fogging method that disinfects via chlorine will create vapors that rise up higher and will condense on the surfaces in its path. Misting, on the other hand, does not have the rising power of all that heat on its side, meaning that the breadth of how far the chlorine will travel depends on how far the gusts of the fan carry it. Once the water in the chlorine mist evaporates, there is nothing to ensure that the chlorine will adhere to any of the surrounding surfaces. All of this means that fogging is highly superior to misting. Economics plays a role because fogging with all that glycol and heat is far more expensive than misting.

Most people who get COVID have no idea where they got it. Why not reduce the uncertainty by making your workspace COVID free. After all, nobody can be 100% certain that they didn’t miss a spot when wiping down a surface. Nobody can see the COVID virions in the air at any given time. You might as well let the airborne chlorine work its magic and keep everyone safe.